Thursday, September 29, 2011

Can GLOBAL WARMING Heat Up Environmental Education? Post #1

Claudio Mazzatenta, a biology teacher in Bronx, New York, launched a poster contest on Climate Change and Global Warming to bring awareness to this rapid environmental issue. Many students are interested in their environment but are still confused to how it is affected. According to the text, Bronx has among the highest rates in asthma due to emissions from fossil fuel burning, heavy traffic, etc. Students suggested "Going Green" and ways to reuse and reduce in their everyday behaviors. The poster competition was successful as the exhibition was publicized on television and in a newspaper, and brought awareness to global warming and climate change.

             I learned that engaging and teaching students about global warming and climate change will increase the chances of them voting for the Green Campus Fund in February 2012. I would advise other students to read this article because it shows people in this country have an interest in their environment and know it is being affected. However, many are still confused to how and why they are the cause. With the support of a team, educating one student will lead to them sharing the information with their friends and creating a chain reaction of environmental friendly people.


Mazzatenta, C.. (2008). Can GLOBAL WARMING Heat Up Environmental Education? The American Biology Teacher, 70(6), 342-344. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1536191551).


  1. Engaging students in contests to promote environment issue awareness is a great method of educating the community. The effects of climate change was brought to the community's attention. Knowing how poor treatment to the environment effects people directly is significant to behavior change when it comes to recycling. Usually, thoughts toward recycling is more of a selfish attitude, because many believe it does not benefit them personally. But in this situation, it can because of the health hazards obtained.

    Thank you for providing great information to our society.

    `Tami Johnson

  2. Who would have known that something as simple as a contest would have gotten students to react? I believe that says a lot about their school and could definitely be beneficial at ours. For example, a couple years ago FAMU SGA came up with the idea to let students get into a comedy show for free if they go and vote. That election received a record number of students voting. So this article reminded me of cases that worked in the past.

    It might be a different situation but it holds the same concepts at hand.I would am going to read this article to get more information but it seems like it could be extremely beneficial to our campaigns.

    Thank you.

    -Alisa Routh
